HNC21 CONTEST FROM HA5NG System installation: -------------------- PSE copy hny.arj your HNC21 contest directory. Then run your arj program: arj e hny (or use the norton commander). Then run gener.bat in this direcory, type:GENER (+ENTER) Do always that what the system requires. After completion of generation you can start the system by using HNC21.BAT. So write the following: HNC21 Attention: ---------- The generating system extends CONFIG.SYS with the following commands: - FILES = 60 The original CONFIG.SYS can be found under CONFIG.5NG, but to run the QSO/QSL system the extended CONFIG.SYS is necessary ! Hardware requirements: ---------------------- The program requires: 640K operating memory (decreased by the usual system programs at most. So appr. 560K should be available min.), a hard disc with 2.5 MB minimum. The program requires minimal DOS knowledge (directory and copy commands). When over 640K memory is available, using a CACHE program is suitable (e.g. SMARTDRV, PC-CACHE, e.t.c.). In this case decreasing the BUFFERS to 3-4 is recommended. The most common problems at the installation: --------------------------------------------- 1. SHARE program The HNC21 program keeps more programs open than the share program can manage, which makes different file opening problems. To solve this problem, it is recommended to cancel the SHARE program and to load it only if needed. You can create more configurations or you can add the SHARE program into the Batch files. *** If HNC 21 runs, the SHARE program should not be opened.*** 2. EMM 386 (memory management) The memory management program (EMM386) of MSDOS 6.xx puts certain programs Into the upper memory, so the most Clipper programmes can not be loaded correctly. There are two possibilities to solve this problem: a. you have to use the memory management program of WINDOWS e.g.: DEVICE=C:\WIDOWS\EMM386:EXE NOEMS b. you have to give the NOVCPI parameter to EMM386. E.g.: DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE NOEMS NOVCPI ******************** The programs up from version 2.10 can send morse texts and it is also possible to adjust the signal of PTT. The controlling is the same as the CT program written by K1EA, so the serial interfaces can be used here as well, e.g.: SERIAL INTERFACE: 1k opto coupler 4N.. 20/DB25 (4/DB9) ______ o---I______I------ I I ___________o __I__ II / \ / II/ CW TX key __Y__ II\ 7/DB25 (5/DB9) I II \>----------o o_________________I 1k opto coupler 4N.. 4/DB25 (7/DB9) ______ o---I______I------ I I ___________o __I__ II / \ / II/ PTT line __Y__ II\ 7/DB25 (5/DB9) I II \>----------o o_________________I COMMANDS FOR THE PROGRAM: At setting the callsign you can change to CW mode by , and reverse. To set and control the text that you want to send in CW mode, press F10. You can set different palettes and to change among them use F10. At opening the program it suggests the QSO/CQ palette, but it is possible to create QSO/BROWSE, HNC21/CQ, HNC21/BROWSE palettes or more... It is possible to play back the messages written under buttons F1-F8, INS, "-" and "+" only. It is possible to put the following commands into the messages: %c% or %call% is the callsign of the station we are in QSO with. %mc% or %mycall% is my callsign. %r% or %rst% the given RST. %rs% or %rsts% the short form of the given RST (5NN instead of 599). %name% the operatorīs name of the station we work with (if it is in the database). %1%...%8% : copy the text from F1...F8 (the program cuts automatically to the length of 250 characters. The name will be generated automatically to 15, the callsign to 12; giving the relative speed is also counted into the length.) %e% or %ent% or %enter% effects an "ENTER". %p% or %pgdn% effects "PgDn" (end of QSO). @nnn@ changes the relative speed in the percentage of the basic speed and may have a negative value as well e.g.: @-10@ plays the next text at the 90% speed of the basic speed. @@ or @0@ puts back the basic speed. @50@ means 1,5 times the basic speed. EXAMPLES: (The basic speed is 26WPM = 130 letters/min in PARIS) You can write the following line into F1 field: @20@CQ CQ CQ DE @@%mc% %mc% %mc% @20@ + PSE K The program changes the speed to 156, gives 3 CQ-s, resumes to 130, gives my callsign three times, changes to 156, gives "+ PSE K" and finishes transmitting. You can write the following line into F2 field: %c%@20@ de %mc% hello om %name% ur rst is @@%rs% %r% %rs% You can write the following line into F3 field: @20@ my name is @@bandi bandi bandi F4 contains only: %2% %3% By pressing F4 the following text will be transmitted: (e.g. you are in QSO with YB0AVK) YV0AVK DE HA5NG HELLO OM SANYI UR RST IS 5NN 599 5NN MY NAME IS BANDI BANDI BANDI The substantial texts will be transmitted in basic speed, the others in higher. You can set the basic speed in the WPM field. 1WPM = 5 letters/minute in PARIS. The given lowest speed can be 10WPM, the highest is 120WPM. At the Monitor field you can allow (Y) or not allow (N) that the signals go out to the loudspeaker of the computer. You can set the tone of the loudspeaker of the computer at the Tone field. (usually 500-800MHz). The COM NR gives the number of the COM port. At the PTT field you can set if you need (Y) or not (N) PTT control. If "yes", you can set also the txdelay in the Delay field, given in millisec-s. That means the time spent between starting the PTT-signal and transmitting the first signal (usually between 0-50 ms). It is possible to tx the texts from F1...F8, INS, "-", and "+". F9 interrupts the actually transmitted text. increases the basic speed with 1WPM. decreases the basic speed with 1WPM. resets the program to SELECT mode. Up from version 2.30 you can save your datas in ADIF format as well, which supports the most label-printing programmes, solving the problem of the QSL-card printing. Vy 73īs es Best DXīs! Bandi, HA5NG